
Friday, May 6, 2011

Amid fiscal turmoil, House votes to cut tax on loose-leaf tobacco

As many places across the country raise tobacco taxes — in an effort to reduce usage and save on public health costs down the road — the Texas House has gone in the other direction.

Members of the Texas House on Wednesday approved a bill to lower a tax on Red Man and other brands of loose-leaf chewing tobacco.

When Rep. Allan Ritter, R-Nederland , laid out House Bill 2599, one freshman House member from Central Texas couldn't believe his ears.

"I just had to clarify. It's cutting taxes to chewing tobacco?" a shocked Rep. Jason Isaac, R-Dripping Springs, asked from the floor.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

'Learn English, get a job and stop smoking cannabis': What judge said to immigrant drug dealer on benefits

A judge gave an immigrant drug dealer a verbal dressing-down by telling him to 'get a job, learn English and stop smoking cannabis'.

Pakistani-born Mohammed Ramzan, 32, had been spending £20 a day on cannabis, paid for by his benefits from the taxpayer.

After admitting three drug possession counts following raids police raids on his home in Derby, he faced a verbal tirade from a Crown Court judge.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rush Limbaugh should just shutup and send the president a cigar

While Rush Limbaugh used snide sarcasm to praise President Obama for getting Osama bin Laden, conservative talk-radio host Sean Hannity bit his lip yesterday and actually credited the president on the air.

Of course Hannity qualified it by saying that it was George Bush's policy on torture that made it possible. He was referring to intelligence extracted from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Faraj al-Libi while in CIA custody that he claims led to one of bin Laden’s couriers in turn leading to Osama bin Laden. Hannity was only partially right.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Charlie Sheen unveiled as the face of new electronic cigarette

In a remarkably health conscious lifestyle turn, Charlie Sheen has been revealed as the face of a new anti-smoking device, aptly named NicoSheen.

The former Two and a Half Men star has partnered with a line of electronic cigarettes that claim to aid struggling smokers who want to kick the habit for good.

The device is being advertised as the ‘The Winning E-Cigarette Sheen Safe Smoke’ and it is understood Sheen has also become one of several partners in the E-Cigarette company.

Friday, April 29, 2011

SGA to vote on tobacco-free resolution

The Student Government Association will vote this Tuesday about whether it supports WKU as a tobacco-free campus.

A recent survey conducted by Madisonville senior Jack Jackson, a political science major, determined for SGA that 47.82 percent of students are in support of a tobacco-free campus, said Kaylee Egerer, campus improvements chairperson.

Egerer said 23.47 percent were opposed to the ban, and 28.71 percent polled were neutral on the issue.

Because the poll showed a majority of students support a ban, Egerer will write up a resolution for Tuesday’s meeting to support a tobacco-free campus.